On Wednesdays, We Craft! | Week 3 | Pour Your Heart Out


Anyone who knows me knows that I love long walks...down...the aisles of craft stores. Particularly Michaels and Hobby Lobby. I could spend (and have spent) HOURS in wandering around. 

Being a rewards member pays off, especially when it came to this project. They send you new ideas each week and I got lost down a rabbit hole on YouTube watching all kinds of paint and pour projects. I was mesmerized! I just had to try it for myself! 

Here's what you'll need... 

  • Canvases ($13 for a set of 7 // Michaels) 
    • Sale price. Stock up on their canvases when they run sales on sets. You'll thank yourself later!
  • Acrylic Paint ($0.70+ // Michaels) 
    • Brand does NOT matter! Glitter paint is highly recommended. I used a rose gold glitter paint in the image above.
  • Liquitex Pouring Medium ($17 // Michaels) 
    • Use their weekly coupon to get 40-50% off of this item!! 
  • Plastic Cups ($1 // Dollar Store) 

Not necessary, but useful... 

  • Gloves 
  • Wax Paper or Cardboard
    • To spread underneath the canvases to catch the dripping paint.
  • Wall Decals 
    • Apply right after you pour the paint so that it dries as the canvas dries!

We tried two methods! There are many others and feel free to get lost down the YouTube rabbit hole if you would like to know more. But, for the first method... 

  1. Pour a squirt of pouring medium into a plastic cup. 
  2. Pour a squirt of paint into each cup. Use different cups for different colors of paint. 
  3. Mix the pouring medium and paint by swirling the cup (or using popsicle sticks, plastic knives, straws, etc). 
  4. Create a base by layering wax paper or cardboard to catch the mess. Place 3 plastic cups in a triangle formation and place your canvas on top. The difference in height from the table top will allow the paint to drop down the sides of the canvas without pooling.
  5. Pour the paint into puddles, on top of each other. Be sure to layer opposing colors for contrast (i.e. white, dark blue, light pink, dark, white, light, dark, etc).
  6. Make sure those gloves are on!! 
  7. Tilt the canvas to create your design! The bubbles will form themselves as it dries!

The second method (scroll up to see the canvas with rose gold paint) is great if you love surprises! Why? It's mixed completely in the cup!! Just pour a large amount of pouring medium and add 3-4 colors in there. DO NOT mix the colors. It will turn to brown mush :) 

I prefer it because it's faster. BUT you need to make sure that you put ample paint in the cup to avoid having to reapply another layer to the canvas. 

You will see methods out there that say you may use glue, Mod Podge or water instead of the pouring medium. We tried the water method (a splash of medium and a splash of water) and the results were horrendous. The paint slid right off the canvas. If you do try adding water to stretch the use of your pouring medium, considering using literally a few drops. Like with a dropper. Not a 1-second pour. 

Whichever method you choose, you're bound to create something you love! An original, for sure! It sure beats painting within the lines! ;) 


On Wednesdays, We Craft! | Week 4 | January Decor


On Wednesdays, We Craft! | Week 2 | Ornaments & Jingle Juice